Saturday, May 15, 2010

missed it

Yesterday on my way to work, driving fast, late, I passed by a young woman walking along side the road. Not a tourist dressed in the latest colors, but a local needing something.
"Wanna ride?" I asked, pulling over.
She looked in at me. A heavy woman, young, with angry brown eyebrows and thick lips.
She did, but it turns out she was going to Chelan, and I to Manson.
"Oh, well," I said.
"Thanks anyway." She walked with a quick stride of someone late for something, a big Walmart purse up high on her shoulder.
The rest of my drive to work I turned this interchange over and over in my mind. I should have driven her to Chelan and then doubled back to Manson. She's got 5 miles to walk. No doubt someone else will pick her up. And probably somebody did, but it misses the point.
I had the opportunity to offer kindness. I could have finally met this woman who I've wondered about for a long time. You see, I know about her. She lives in a trailer I drive by most every day. She has three big, mean dogs tied up short in her yard next to over-turned apple bins for shelter. If, when, they're loose they chase my car. There's a baby stroller that hasn't moved in the driveway for years. There's usually a load of laundry hanging up inside against the one large trailer window. Another window is broken out--sometimes it has a piece of plywood up against it and sometimes not. Driving by, I've wondered outloud to my kids about that: why it's open sometimes and not others. Even toyed with the idea of going up to the door, knocking and offering to fix it. I haven't, of course--too awkward.
And here I had the chance to meet her, to find out about what her story is, to save her feet those 5 miles.
I missed it. I miss alot of these. Sorry, God. Keep trying please.

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