Monday, April 12, 2010

It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes when events chain together in a direction opposite the positive. My darn road grader, Alice (of course Alice...she's an Allis Chalmers) was just one problem after another.

First, when i set out to get her woken up for Spring duty, she's got a flat tire. The front tire that is brand new--and several hundred dollars. A big gouge in the side wall that the boys at Les Shwab doubt can be repaired. I have maybe 3 hours of use out of that tire.

Then I discover a big crack in the engine block. I use only water, no antifreeze, in this machine and somehow there was still some water left when I drained it in the fall.

Then I find a leak in the radiator.

The thing is, I've got work to do with this old girl before all the moisture leaves the road. It must run.

Well, turns out Ron at Les Schwab got the tire fixed and, when I went to get it with my truck, he said "No charge."

JB Weld repaired the crack in the block. Two big bottles of radiator sealer plugged the leak in the radiator. I bought two new 12 volt 850 amp/hour batteries so I could start her easily, rather than roll starting it as I have been for the past 3 years.

And, just like that, my outlook on life changes.

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