Yesterday I dug the hole; today I put something in it. Just happen to have three tanks: two 1700 gallons and one 10,000 gallons. problem is the tanks are out in a field that's still covered in snow and I can't figure out how to get them pulled out of there. My backhoe can lift them, but will slip in the snow. My truck can't lift the tank and will most likely get stuck trying to pull that much. But, I don't know, so I try.
Nope, can't pull a couple thousand pound tank while the wheel are in the snow, not even with 4WD, not even in low.
I go get every chain I've got down in the shop and, stringing them all together, I am able to get the truck out of the snowy field and onto the gravel road. Success. In 4WD low I am just able to get the tank sliding and I don't dare lose my momentum and keep dragging all the way to the sauna. A bit of careful chain rigging and I am able to get the tank up in the air, centered over the hole and down in. Then I back-filled around the tank and there it is. I would have liked it 1 ft lower, but I hit solid rock and couldn't dig any deeper.
According to my calculations, I should be able to drain the splash tank about 10 times before filling this tank. I take a sauna about once a month. So 3 seasons of saunas will fill the tank, and then summer gardening season will drain it. I should have about enough water in the tank to cover all my watering needs for the garden, since I use drip emitters for all the plants. So it's a system in balance: taking saunas, storing the splashtank water and growing tomatos.
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